Step into the World of Chiropractic:

Be a part of IMU University's Live Talk Series 2024!

Discover the basics and techniques of chiropractic care with our expert panel at IMU. Learn from experienced practitioners and alumni as they share their insights and personal experiences.

Explore the transformative potential of this holistic approach to health and discover the diverse career pathways available in chiropractic. Don't miss out on this informative series, as it may pave the way for your future healthcare career!

23 April, Tuesday

 1 August, Thursday

Talks Schedule


23 April, Tuesday (8pm GMT+8)


 1 August, Thursday (8pm GMT+8)


23 April, Tuesday (8pm GMT+8)

Empowering Lives: 

The Transformative Journey of Chiropractic Care

Let's delve into the transformative journey of chiropractic care with our expert speakers, Natalie Chin, Chiropractic Lecturer at IMU, and Christopher Chan, IMU Chiropractic alumnus. Gain insights into their personal journeys and discover the profound effects of chiropractic care on well-being.


Yong Jia Ying

Lecturer, Chiropractic and IMU Alumni 


Christopher Chan Zhi Keat

IMU Chiropractic Alumni (CH118)


 1 Aug, Thursday (8pm GMT+8)

Chiropractic 101 and the Alumni Journey in IMU

Explore the world of chiropractic care in our fun and informative talk on, "Chiropractic 101 and the Alumni Journey in IMU." Discover the basics of chiropractic care and follow the inspiring journey of our Chiropractic alumni, Wong Yi Kai and Nashereena Kaur Dillon.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to learn and be inspired!


Wong Yi Kai

Programme Director, Chiropractic 

and IMU Alumni


Nashereena Kaur Dillon

Lecturer, Chiropractic 

and IMU Alumni

Unlock the secrets to spinal health and holistic wellness in our live Chiropractic talk!

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